Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Celestial Athletes

I have just begun to review General Conference, beginning with the General Relief Society Meeting, and came upon a gem in the first talk by Linda K. Burton. She makes a correlation between the dedication and consistent preparation of a world-class athlete and someone (you) who are seeking to qualify for exaltation in the celestial kingdom.

Having an athletic background I have a small idea of the amount of long hours and energy and thought that goes into the success of these world-class Olympic athletes that we watch in awe as they compete. My small understanding of all that effort being compared to what my own dedication to achieving celestial exaltation SHOULD be puts a greater amount of urgency to hasten my own celestial athletic training. Let’s not be lulled into thinking that we are doing enough just because we are doing the minimum requirements, that all is well in Zion. If you want to reach Zion, to be a Zion-like person within yourself, you will need to find a greater and more consistent dedication.

I have found a very wonderful first step to this training: Obedience to the voice of the Lord. Doing your best to be obedient to ALL he has and will ask of you. You can find these opportunities to be obedient in the scriptures and in conference talks past and present, and through your own personal revelation and guidance from the Lord directly to you and for you and for your specific situation. This first step is learning to hear and then obey the voice of revelation in your own soul.

I would like to quote a wonderful man named John Pontius… “When you read the scriptures and survey the lives of the noble and great ones of previous gospel dispensations, you are not reading the lives of the extraordinarily talented. You are reading the lives of the extraordinarily obedient. They started with no greater advantage, genius, or strength than most of us.”

Your potential just multiplied exponentially... You can be a Nephi, an Alma, a Moroni! And then you can become like our Savior!

Your athletic training begins now.

With all the love I possess,    Lacey

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